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Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)[18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES]

Hellfire Torch(Sorceress) [Max Varies 95%-100%]

Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)Required Level: 75
5% Chance To Cast level 10 Firestorm* On Striking
3 to Random Character Class Skills (varies)
10-20 To All Attributes (varies)
All Resistances 10-20 (varies)
8 To Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10 charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.13 or later)
Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)
[18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES]


Price 8.89 USD

What is Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)[18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] in Diablo 2 Resurrected & Where to Get It?

The Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] is a rare and powerful variant of the Hellfire Torch charm in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It provides the Sorceress character with a boost of 18-20 points to all attributes (strength, dexterity, vitality, and energy) and all resistances (fire, cold, lightning, and poison). These bonuses can greatly enhance the Sorceress's survivability and damage potential.

The Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] charm can only be obtained by defeating Uber Diablo, a superpowered version of the game's final boss, Diablo. Uber Diablo has a chance to drop the Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) charm upon defeat, but the drop rate is extremely rare. It is estimated that the drop rate for this specific variant is about 1 in 2000.

Defeating Uber Diablo requires a strong party of players, and it can be a challenging task even with experienced players. Players will need to obtain the three keys required to enter the Uber Tristram zones, as well as the organs required to create the Diablo Clone, before they can even attempt to defeat Uber Diablo.

Once Uber Diablo is defeated and the Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] is obtained, it can greatly enhance the effectiveness of any Sorceress build. It is one of the rarest and most sought-after items in the game, and it can greatly increase the value of a character.

How to Use Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)[18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] for Fireball/Firebolt Sorceress in D2R?

The Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] can be very beneficial for a Fireball/Firebolt Sorceress build in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

Allocate attribute points wisely: With the additional attribute points provided by the Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES], it is recommended to allocate them to vitality. This will increase the character's health pool and survivability, allowing her to withstand more damage in combat.

Combine with other equipment: The Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) [18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES] charm can be combined with other equipment that provides additional fire damage or fire resistance. This can greatly enhance the character's damage output and survivability.

Use Fireball and Firebolt spells: Fireball and Firebolt spells are the primary spells for this build. Fireball deals area-of-effect damage, while Firebolt is a single-target spell that deals high damage. Both spells benefit from the additional fire damage provided by the Hellfire Torch (Sorceress) charm.

Cast with caution: While Fireball and Firebolt spells can deal high damage, they can also use up a lot of mana. It is recommended to cast them strategically and not waste all of your mana at once. Use mana potions and other means to replenish your mana if necessary.

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